Thailand is such a wonderful place we
wanted to stay another year but we did not want to spend the monsoon season on
the boat. Splitting our year between Thailand and the US would offer the
best of both worlds. Summer in the US and winter on the boat cruising.
For our time in the US we decided to re-create a bit of Rob's historic gyroplane
cross country flight from 2005.* With
Dee once again driving the motorhome and Rob flying his gyroplane we headed
slowly from Florida to Colorado.
The highlights of the summer were seeing
family, visits with our sailing friends Bob and Kathy Pauly in Tocoa, GA,
working with Jimmy and Roslyn Carter to build Habitat for Humanity houses for
Katrina victims in Mobile, AL and flying once again over our beautiful country.
In Florida we visited Pensacola Naval Air Station where Rob went daily to watch
the Blue Angles practice their airshow routine.
Back in Colorado we headed for Salida
where we now own 3 acres bordering thousands of acres of National Forest.
From our property we can hike or mountain bike directly up to the Continental
Divide. We hope to build on the land when our sailing adventure is over.
Clicking on any photo will blow it up- the back
button on your browser will return you here.
Small Town America
Flying the Rivers
Patterns in the fields

Note the nautical theme
Rob's Xenon Gyroplane
control yoke on this float plane
View from the Cockpit
Crop Duster
Building homes for Habitat for Humanity
Rob next to Jimmy Carter and Dee in front row
with sunglasses hanging down

Canoeing in Florida
Toccoa Falls, GA with the Paulys of Yacht Briana
Mountain Biking near Salida, Colorado
On our land in Salida, Colorado
View from our land- 14,000' the top
of the Continental Divide

Rob's 90 year old Dad, 85 year old Mom
and his nephew Jon
The Blue Angels -
To read about Rob's historic 2005
trip to fly a gyroplane to the 48 states of the Continental US click here.