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When we first stated cruising in 1996 we began doing logs every 6-9 months
which we mailed out to our family and friends to keep them up to date on our
Following are those logs:
Dec '96 July
January '98
July '98
March '99
June 2000
To follow our travels chronologically click on each of
the above links
or consult the partial table of contents below
Dec '96 - Florida to Bahamas,
Exumas, Out Islands, Eleuthera, Abacos, Hilton Head and up the east coast to Maine then south to the Chesapeake
July '97-
Florida, NASA Space Center, Bahamas, Puerto Rico, Virgin Islands, Leeward Islands, Tobago Cays
January '98- Trinidad & Tobago,
Virgin Islands
July '98-
Virgin Islands, St. Martin, Leeward Islands, St. Barts, Antigua, Windward Islands, Grenadines, Tobago Cays, Grenada.
March '99-
U.S. Flying trip to Yosemite, South America, Machu Picchu, Penguins, Tobago Cays, Carnivale in Trinidad, Boatwork, Macareo River
June 2000- Venezuela, Island
stories, Cartagena, Columbia, The Best of Caribbean Scuba diving, Highs and lows of
Cruising life, Cultural exchanges,
Secret hideaways, Panama, Honduras, Guatemala, Belize, Mexico.